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You're Pregnant! Now what?

Pregnancy Test

Firstly, don't fret I've got you covered. Here is a step-by-step guide to tick off, in order to avoid ringing your bestie in a state of panic. 


Call your GP or local Birth Centre to start your antenatal care. They will book you in for your first appointment. 


Start taking supplements:

  • Vit D 10 micrograms(mcg) daily from Sept-March, Vit. D is essential in maintaining healthy bones, teeth and muscles as it regulates the calcium and potassium in your body, Vit. D can be absorbed via sunlight and there is less exposure during the winter months hence ensuring taking it from Sept-Marc, if you have dark skin it is recommended you take Vit D all year round 

  • 400 mcg folate (not folic acid; a synthetic form of folate) as it's absorbed more easily into your system as its naturally derived (found in foods), Informed Birth recommends supplements that contain 100% of natural L-Methylfolate(5-MTFH), folate supports the healthy development of your baby’s brain, spine and neural tube in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy

  • DO NOT take supplements with Vit. A or Cod Liver Oil as it can harm your baby, they must be pregnancy specific supplements 

  • Avoid supplements which contain bulking agents and artificial ingredients as they can be not as effective and can cause side effects such as headaches, interrupt sleep and gastric issues 


Reduce Caffeine intake to 200mg daily, large doses can increase risk of miscarriage, stillbirth and restrict the growth of your baby, remember caffeine is in chocolate and cola.


Caffeine Calculator 

  • bar of plain chocolate (50g) has around 25mg

  • can of cola has around 40mg of caffeine

  • mug of tea has around 75mg

  • energy drinks: a 250ml can has around 80mg

  • cup of instant coffee has around 100mg

  • mug of filter coffee has around 140mg


Stop drinking, there are no safe levels in pregnancy, many studies have linked alcohol to restricting blood flow to your adult brain, this begs the question of what is it doing to an underdeveloped fetal brain? 

if you feel you need support click here


Reduce smoking and quit, seek support from your midwife as she can signpost you to the smoking cessation experts, quitting smoking in the first place can be very difficult so if your partner smokes they need to consider quitting too, it's easier to quit when you have your partner's support, for more information and support click here


Avoid certain foods which can increase your risk of getting food poisoning which can lead to miscarriage, for the NHS foods-to-avoid webpage click here


Continue with your day to day activities and exercise as normal, listen to your body and rest when you need to


Be careful what products you are putting onto your skin (deodorant, make-up, moisturiser, cleaning products, detergents) as any artificial chemicals are absorbed through your skin and can cross into the placenta to your baby, I recommend organic products whilst pregnant and breastfeeding 



Huge congratulations by the way! Remember to breathe, you can do this. 



The Informed Birth Midwife


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